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作者: 食品学院   信息来源:食品学院    发布时间: 开云体育nba官网-03-12


      沈昳潇, 女,美国路易斯安纳州立大学博士,美国食品技术协会 (IFT) 美国化学学会 (ACS)、美国谷物化学国际学会 (AACCI)学会会员。研究方向为农副产品中生物活性物质抗氧化、抗糖基化等食品安全方面研究。 


· 沈阳开云体育nba官网,食品科学与工程博士流动站,博士后 (2019.12-至今)

· Alliance Pharma, 生物分析部门,高级研究员,农业项目主管 (美国宾州, 2016.1–2019.4)

· 美国路易斯安纳州立大学营养与食品科学系,食品颜色与风味课程助教、科研助理,参与代培来自全球7所高校访问学者共10人(泰国开云体育nba官网/土耳其伊斯坦布尔大学/韩国釜庆大学/中国热带水果研究所/西北农林科技大学/贵州大学/仲恺农业工程学院)(2012-2015)

· 德州大学健康科学中心,质谱分析实验室, 实习(美国德州,2015.1-2015.3)

· 辽宁省农科院,农产品质量检测中心 (2010.6- 2010.9) 


· 2020-2023 辽宁省高校国外人才培养项目(辽宁省教育厅),参与人。

· 2019-2022 辽宁省“兴辽计划”项目:多酚与蛋白相互作用对乳品蛋白糖基化的影响机理 (辽宁省组织部), 主持人。

· 2018-2022 国家自然科学基金:基于纳米尺度研究香蕉花多酚-β乳球蛋白纳米颗粒抑制食品中AGEs形成的理论基础 (国家自然科学基金委员会), 参与人。

· 2016-2017 Sulfometuron Methyl and Metabolite in Sugar Cane and Sugar Cane Processing Fractions (DuPont美国杜邦公司),主持人。

· 2016-2018 Freezer Storage Stability of BAS 750 F and its Five Metabolites, M750F003, M750F005, M750F006, M750F007, and M750F008, in Surface Water for 24 Months (BASF美国巴斯夫公司),主持人。

· 2012-2015 Mitigation of Off-Flavor in Catfish Fillets While Extending Their Shelf Life During Refrigerated and Frozen Storage Using Chitosan Produced from Crawfish Processing Waste (美国路易斯安纳州农业经济发展管理局),参与人。 


· 2017  十字花科蔬菜根肿病菌dna的提取方法及应用 (CN104212794)

· 2011-2015 路易斯安纳州立大学“Economic Development”奖学金 $ 100,000

· 2013路易斯安纳州立大学食品系最优博士生“Barkate”奖学金

· 2013美国Gamma Sigma Delta (GSD)农业协会学生荣誉奖

· 2013 美国谷物化学国际学会(AACC)食品产品开发竞赛Finalist


1. Haiyan Sun, Meichen Yin, Daning Hao and Yixiao Shen*. (2020). Anti-Cancer Activity of Catechin against A549 Lung Carcinoma Cells by Induction of Cyclin Kinase Inhibitor p21 and Suppression of Cyclin E1 and P–AKT. Applied Sciences, 10, 2065.

2. Yixiao Shen, Jing Han, Xiaoyan Zheng, Binling Ai, Yang Yang, Dao Xiao, Lili Zheng* and Zhanwu Sheng*. Rosemary Leaf Extract Inhibits Glycation, Breast Cancer Proliferation, and Diabetes Risks. Applied Sciences 10 (7), 2249.

3. Yixiao Shen, Witoon, Prinyawiwatkul and Zhimin Xu*. (2019). Insulin: A review of analytical methods. Analyst, 144:4139-4148.

4. Zhanwu Sheng, Binling Ai, Lili Zheng, Xiaoyan Zheng, Yang Yang and Yixiao Shen*. (2019). Capability of polygonum cuspidatum extract in inhibiting AGEs and preventing diabetes. Food Science and Nutrition, 2019: 1-11.

5. Yixiao Shen, Haiyan Sun, Haiying Zeng, Witoon Prinyawiwatkul, Wenqing Xu and Zhimin Xu*. (2018). Increases of phenolics, fatty acids, phytosterols, and anticancer activity of sweet potato after fermented by lactobacillus acidophilus. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 66: 2735-2741.

6. Zhanwu Sheng, Binling Ai, Lili Zheng, Xiaoyan Zheng, Zhimin Xu, Yixiao Shen* & Zhiqiang Jin. (2018). Inhibitory activities of kaempferol, galangin, carnosic acid and polydatin against glycation and a-amylase and a-glucosidase enzymes. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 53: 755–766.

7. Yixiao Shen, Zhimin Xu, and Zhangwu Sheng. (2017). Ability of resveratrol to inhibit advanced glycation end product formation and carbohydrate-hydrolyzing enzyme activity, and to conjugate methylglyoxal. Food Chemistry, 216: 153-160.

8. Zhanwu Sheng, Yixiao Shen*, Haofu Dai, Siyi Pan, Binling Ai, Lili Zheng, Xiaoyan Zheng and Zhimin Xu*. (2016). Physicochemical Characterization of Raw and Modified Banana Pseudostem Fibers and Their Adsorption Capacities for Heavy Metal Pb2+ and Cd2+ in Water. Polymer Composites, 39: 1869-1877.

9. Yixiao Shen, Liqing Du, Haiying Zeng, Xiumei Zhang, Witoon Prinyawiwatkul, Jose R. Alonso-Marenco, and Zhimin Xu*. (2016). Butterfly pea (clitoria ternatea) seed and petal extracts decreased HEp-2 carcinoma cell viability. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 51,1860-1868.

10. Liqing Du, Guangming Sun, Xiumei Zhang, Yuge Liu, Witoon Prinyawiwatkul, Zhimin Xu and Yixiao Shen*. (2016). Comparisons and correlations of phenolic profiles and anti-oxidant activities of seventeen varieties of pineapple. Food Science and Biotechnology, 25, 445-451.

11. Yixiao Shen, Witoon Prinyawiwatkul, Pongtharin Lotrakul, and Zhimin Xu*. (2015). Comparison of phenolic profiles and antioxidant potentials of the leaves and seeds of Thai holy and sweet basils. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 50: 1651–1657.

12. Yixiao Shen, Xiumei Zhang, Witoon Prinyawiwatkul, and Zhimin Xu*. (2014). Simultaneous determination of red and yellow artificial food colorants and carotenoid pigments in food products. Food Chemistry,157: 553-558.

13. Yixiao Shen, Xiumei Zhang, Witoon Prinyawiwatkul, and Zhimin Xu*. (2014). Phytochemicals in sweet sorghum (Dura) and their antioxidant capabilities against lipid oxidation. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 61:12620-12624.

14. Yixiao Shen and Zhimin Xu*. (2013). An improved GC-MS method for determination of glycerol in different types of biological samples. Journal of Chromatography B, 930: 36-40.

15. Adriana S. Lopez Prado, Yixiao Shen, Ryan Ardoin, Luis F. Osorio, Jorge Cardona, Zhimin Xu and Witoon Prinyawiwatkul*. (2019). Effects of different solvents on total phenolic and total anthocyanin contents of Clitoria ternatea L. petal and their anti-cholesterol oxidation capabilities. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 54, 424–431.

16. Dejing Chena, Haiyan Sun, Yixiao Shen, Ming Luo, Xi Xin, and Zhimin Xu*. (2019). Selenium bio-absorption and antioxidant capacity in mice treated by selenium modified rice germ polysaccharide. Journal of Functional Foods, 61, 103492.

17. Dejing Chen, Jingyuan Sun, Weixue Dong, Yixiao Shen, and Zhimin Xu*. (2018). Effects of polysaccharides and polyphenolics fractions of Zijuan tea (Camellia sinensis var. kitamura) on & α-glucosidase activity and blood glucose level and glucose tolerance of hyperglycaemic mice. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 53, 2335–2341.

18. Evelyn G. Watts, Marlene E. Janes,* Witoon Prinyawiwatkul,* Yixiao Shen, Zhimin Xu and Danielle Johnson. (2018). Microbiological changes and their impact on quality characteristics of red hot chilli pepper mash during natural fermentation. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 53, 1816–1823.

19. Haiyan Sun, Yulin Zhang, Yixiao Shen, Yongchao Zhu, Hua Wang & Zhimin Xu* (2017). Inhibitory effects of red wine on lipid oxidation in fish oil emulsion and angiogenesis in zebrafish embryo. Journal of Food Science, 82(3), 781-786.

20. Mustafa Bener, Yixiao Shen, Zhimin Xu and Reşat Apak*. (2016). Changes of the anthocyanins and antioxidant properties of concord grape (vitis labrusca) pomace after acid hydrolysis. Records of Natural Products, 10: 794-799.

21. Yulin Zhang, Yixiao Shen, Yongchao Zhu, and Zhimin Xu*. (2015). Assessment of the correlations between reducing power, scavenging DPPH activity and anti-lipid-oxidation capability of phenolic antioxidants. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 63:569-574.

22. Saeed Alqahtani, Lacey Simon, Carlos E Astete, Alaadin Alayoubi, Paul W Sylvester, Sami Nazzal, Yixiao Shen, Zhimin Xu, and Cristina M Sabliov*. (2015). Cellular uptake, antioxidant and antiproliferative activity of entrapped α-tocopherol and γ-tocotrienol in poly (lactic-co-glycolic) acid (PLGA) and chitosan covered PLGA nanoparticles (PLGA-Chi). Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,445: 243-251.

23. Wenting Shang, Zhanwu Sheng*, Yixiao Shen, Binling Ai, Lili Zheng, Jingsong Yang, and Zhimin Xu. (2016). Study on oil absorbency of succinic anhydride modified banana cellulose in ionic liquid. Carbohydrate Polymers, 141: 135-142.

24. Zhanwu Sheng, Mantun Gu, Wangjun Hao, Yixiao Shen, Weimin Zhang, Lili Zheng, Binling Ai, Xiaoyan Zheng, and Zhimin Xu. (2016). Physicochemical changes and glycation reaction of intermediate moisture protein-sugar foods with and without addition of resveratrol during storage. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 61:6643-6649.

25. Mustafa Bener, Yixiao Shen, Reşat Apak, John W. Finley, and Zhimin Xu*. (2013). Release and degradation of anthocyanins and phenolics from blueberry pomace during thermal acid hydrolysis and dry heating. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 61:6643-6649. (IF 3.571, section 1)

26. Xiumei Zhang, Yixiao Shen, Witoon Prinyawiwatkul, Joan M King, and Zhimin Xu*. (2013). Comparison of the activities of hydrophilic anthocyanins and lipophilic tocols in black rice bran against lipid oxidation. Food Chemistry,141:111-116.

27. Xiumei Zhang, Yixiao Shen, Witoon Prinyawiwatkul, and Zhimin Xu*. (2012). Volatile compounds in fresh-cut pineapple heated at different temperatures. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 36: 567-573.

28. Liqing Du, Yixiao Shen, Xiumei Zhang, Witoon Prinyawiwatkul, and Zhimin Xu*. 2014. Antioxidant-rich phytochemicals in miracle berry (Synsepalum dulcificum) and antioxidant activity of its extracts. Food Chemistry,153: 279-284.

29. Liping Zhang, Yixiao Shen, Qizhuang Bu & Shujuan Ji. (2014). Effects of 1-methylcyclopropene on the Metabolic Pathways of Aroma-Related Compounds in Nanguo Pear. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 38: 1749-1758.

30. Xiaoli Gao*, Yangfeng Zhang, Yixiao Shen, and Xiangqun Shen. (2011). Application of Protein Engineering Strategies in Structural Biology for Enhancing Protein Crystallization. Journal of American Science, 7: 696-699.

31. Xiaoli Gao*, Yangfeng Zhang, and Yixiao Shen. (2011). Plant metabolites in response to pathogen and gene mutations. Nature and Science, 9: 1-20.

32. 孟宪军, 常瑜, 孙希云, 刘晓晶, 沈昳潇. 微波辅助法提取蓝莓多糖BBP0-2的分离纯化及组分分析 [J]. 食品科学, 2013, 34(12): 119-124.

33. 沈昳潇, 魏宝东.不同乳酸菌对酸白菜pH值与亚硝酸盐含量变化的影响[J].北方园艺, 2010, 23:160-164.

34. 沈昳潇,魏宝东.不同乳酸菌对酸白菜品质的影响[J].农业科技与装备, 2010, 7:24-26.

35. 纪淑娟, 沈昳潇, 张丽萍,卜庆状. 1-MCP 对南果梨酯类物质、氨基酸及相关代谢酶的影响 [J].食品科学, 2012, 33(18): 286-289.

36. 纪淑娟, 张丽萍,卜庆状, 沈昳潇, 刘新城. 基于电子鼻技术对冷藏后南果梨货架期间气味的变化分析[J].食品科学, 2012, 33(7): 123-126.

37. 纪淑娟, 张庆欢, 沈昳潇. 碱性橙Ⅱ染料快速检测显色剂筛选及显色条件的优化[J].食品科学, 2010, 31(20): 394-398.

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